Saturday 8th March 2025 

Click this link for details:

Please read the rules –

All results MUST be submitted by the host team for each group using the submit results form here:

If you have any queries regarding this cup competition then please contact the league uisng the contact form here:

Please make sure you select the category called Mini (U7 to U10) Age Group Secretary.  Completing the online contact form collect all the correct info so we can deal with any questions/queries efficiently.

Remember – Players can only play for the team they were registered to in Round 1.  If a player was NOT previously registered and NOT cup tied (i.e. played for another team in the cup) then you can request that the player is added to your cup team (space permitting (i.e. U7/U8 – max 10 players per team & U9/U10 – max 14 players per team) uisng the league contact form and slecting the mini age group secretary.