Club Contact Database (for club contact details)
The club contact database must be updated by club secretaries for each season so that all clubs can can contact the correct club officials.
1 – You need an account on the league website.
2 – Use your Dashboard to manage your personal user account.
3 – Once activated by a league admin you will then be able to access the contact database page.
4 – You can view all club contact details once your personal league account is approved. To update club details secretaries will need to log into a different login screen uisng a club username and password.
Please see the steps below:
1 – Create an account
Create a member account on the league website here:
The site admin will update club officials with the correct permsions to be able to access the database.
2 – Manage your account
To manage your account go to your membership page here:
3 – To access the Club Contact Database
Use the Club Contacts link in the black navigation bar (top right) or use this link here:
The website will ask you to login using your personal league account you cretaed. You will only be given access to protected information if you are a confirmed club official.
Club Secretaries are given access to update club records on this database using a separate club username and password.
4 – Club Secretary Access to update Club Contact Details
Once on the club contact database page click the green sign in link (top right of the screen)
Use the login details provided by the league to sign in as club secretary. This will allow you to update your club records. Only club secretaries should use these credentials and update club records.
username= clubnamefc (i.e. galmingtondragonsfc)
password = (the one given)
The login details to update the club records are asigned to your club secretary email registered witht he league